hey girl what's up it's me sniide
this is just my copinglink list it's just funny idk i just want to use my url... on serious note just play the soundcloud so it makes my carrd look so much fuckin cooler. not much effort though lmaooo im tired asf :p


all are just copinglinks, not really serious. characters mentioned just help me feel like i have a persona and i heavily relate to them that it just feels like i am them! you dont have to refer to me as these characters idgaf!!!!!!

list: koga oogami, nayuta asahi, samatoki aohitsugi, mizuki, shizuru hakuro, ushio kurama, siams, jun sazanami, sarukawa kei, kaoru kanzaki.

if u want to add me to anything just add koga (or anyone) as my persona cuz i dont got one....


lovepost them a lot sorry. yume swag. not a gatekeep i love sharing my bfs with the world. i'm really insane about rei sakuma unfortunately please help!

list; rei sakuma, ren nanahoshi, my boyfriend, my boyfriend #2, mogari shishikuno, my world.

i don't play around with rei sakuma btw so im begging if you are a sakumaP or undeadP or whatever you are really if you like rei sakuma PLEASE TALK TO ME I LOVE TALKING ABOUT THIS MAN I NEED MORE PEOPLE LIKE YOU IN MY LIFE!!!!!!

also i really love my BOYFRIEND!!!!! yes he's real stop guys Stoppppp i'm not always talking about rei sakum HE IS REAL OK!!!!!